Niazi Adda Peshawar Terminal Contact Number, Niazi Express Cargo Service Tracking
Niazi Adda Peshawar terminal contact number is 0333-910391 and you can also visit its office which is located at Albadar Town, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. If you want more information about cargo, online tickets, booking you can dial Niazi Express helpline number which is +92 111-22-9999. Niazi express is also providing the facility of cargo to their customers for sending their shipments from one city to another city.
One person ask question that in which cities Niazi Express available in Pakistan? The answer of his question is that Niazi Express is available in all big cities of Pakistan like Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Peshawar, Peshawar, Peshawar, Peshawar and Bahawalpur etc. For any query you can also visit Niazi Express official facebook page which is given below.
Here you can also find Niazi Adda Murree Terminal Contact Number & Niazi Express Cargo Service for your convenience.
Niazi Adda Peshawar Terminal Contact Number Detail
- Address: Albadar Town, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- Contact Number: : 0333-910391
- Helpline Number: +92 111-22-9999
- Whatsapp Number: +92 308 279800
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