Bahria hospital established in 2010 and 50 plus qualified doctors are practice in this hospital. This hospital is the best healthcare service providers in Lahore, Pakistan. If You want to find the best hospital in Lahore then I will recommend Bahria hospital. Because the team of Bahria hospital providing best Diagnostic labs, Nurses, Paramedical staff, Pharmacy, and medical professionals.
Bahria hospital Lahore address is Bahria International Hospital, Takbeer Block, Sector B, Bahria Town, Lahore. It has latest healthcare operating machineries. You can find contact number, hospital address, doctor list and appointment numbers and doctor’s schedule that they are working in this hospital is available. You can get online appointment of any doctor of Bahria Hospital Lahore. All type of medical facilities including Gynecologist, Cardiologist, Urologist, Orthopedic department and OPD open 24/7 hours. Lady Willingdon hospital is another hospital in Lahore providing best Urologist surgeons.
Bahria Hospital Lahore Doctors List:
- Dr. Maj Iftikhar Ahmed Bhatti
- Dr. Shahzad Ashraf (MBBS, FCPS (Surgery))
- Dr. Faiqa Saleem (MBBS, FCPS)
- Prof. Dr. Nauman Naseer
- Dr. Nadeem Mahmood
- Dr. Shumila Yasir
- Dr. Marium
- Dr. Mubashra Nasir
- Dr. Sumaira
- Dr. Fazal-ur-Rehman (Urology)
- Prof. Dr. Ahmed Salman Waris (Urology)
- Dr. M. Haroon Ghous (Urology)
- Dr. Jamil Rahim (Urology)
- Dr. M. Asif Baloch (Urology)
- Dr. M. Nasir Ibrahim (Urology)
- Dr. Afzal Bhatii (Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist)
Bahria Hospital Lahore contact number and location Detail:
Address and Location: Bahria International Hospital, Takbeer Block, Sector B, Bahria Town, Lahore.
Appointment Phone/Contact Number: 042-111-296-297, 042-353401357
CEO and MS contact Number: N/A
Official Web Site/ Email ID:
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[…] appointment numbers and doctor’s schedule that they are working in this hospital is available. Bahria international hospital is also one of the best hospital in […]