Hilal e Ahmer General Hospital Hyderabad was established in 1990 and almost 40 Plus qualified doctors are practice in this hospital. Hilal e Ahmer General Hyderabad hospital address is Unit-7, Latif abad, Hyderabad, Sindh. Their aim is to provide the best facilities to their patients.
It has latest healthcare operating machineries. You can get appointment of any doctor of Hilal e Ahmer General hospital Hyderabad. You can find contact number, hospital address, doctor list and appointment numbers and doctor’s schedule that they are working in this hospital is available. Dr. Syed Ghazanfar Mehdi is working as physiotherapist. He is the best physiotherapist in Hyderabad.
Hilal e Ahmer General Hospital Hyderabad contact number and address Detail:
Address and Location: Hilal-e-Ahmer General hospital, Unit-7, Latifabad, Hyderabad
Appointment Phone Number: 022-3818973