Medicare hospital Multan address is Abdali Rd, Altaf Town, Multan, and Punjab. It has latest healthcare operating machineries. It was established in 1998 and 100 plus qualified doctors are practice in this hospital. This hospital is the best healthcare service providers in Multan, Pakistan.
You can find contact number, hospital address, doctor list and appointment numbers and doctor’s schedule that they are working in this hospital is available. You can get online appointment of any doctor of Medicare hospital Multan. All type of medical facilities including Gynecologist, Cardiologist, Urologist, Orthopedic department and OPD open 24/7 hours.
Al khaliq Hospital is the another best hospital in Multan.
Medicare hospital Multan contact number and location Detail:
Address and Location: Abdali Rd, Altaf Town, Multan.
Appointment Phone/Contact Number: 061-4581702
CEO and MS contact Number: N/A
Official Web Site/ Email ID: N/A