Zong weekly Pro,  Zong weekly Internet Packages

Zong weekly Pro,  Zong weekly Internet Packages

Now a day Zong is the very popular cellular company in Pakistan. Why Zong has risen to become one of Pakistan’s leading cellular companies because of the popularity of internet packages. Zong has been also providing unique call and sms packages to its customers.

To expand its user bank the company offers most valuable Zong Call Packages on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Customer can choose from a variety of Zong internet packages on their needs, including peak and off-peak bundles. Customers may also purchase all-in-one packages from Zong, which include free on-net/off-net minutes, SMS, and internet MBs. Here you will find Zong weekly Pro and how to subscribe it. Here you can also find Zong monthly Super card offer.

Zong weekly Pro Package.

Internet               Minutes               Zong call/sms

40GB                   250 off net          Unlimited

How to Subscribe Zong weekly Pro

Dial Code: *794#

Rs. 399 Load/ 30 Days

Zong Helpline Number: 310

How to check Zong balance code: *222#

How to share Zong balance: *828#

How to get Zong advance loan: *911#

Comments 1

  • […] To expand its user bank the company offers most valuable Zong Call Packages on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Customer can choose from a variety of Zong internet packages on their needs, including peak and off-peak bundles. Customers may also purchase all-in-one packages from Zong, which include free on-net/off-net minutes, SMS, and internet MBs. Here you will find Zong weekly HLO and how to subscribe it. Here you can also find Zong weekly Pro. […]

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