Top Best gynecologist Doctors are available in Karachi in different clinics & her contact number is given below. All doctors are done MBBS, FCPS, and FRCOG. Gynecologists’ main work includes obstetrics, pregnancy and labor, monthly cycle and fruitfulness issues, physically communicated diseases (STIs), and chemical problems. Every Gynecologist’s doctors have more than 25 years of Trusting Quality Communication experience in this field of work in female regenerative wellbeing. They analyze and treat issues connected with the female conceptive lot. This incorporates the uterus, fallopian cylinders, and ovaries.
Top Best Gynecologist Doctor’s Contact Information:
- Dr. Aisha Haq
- Dr. Raseeda Azmat
- Dr. Kherun Nisa
- Dr. Afshan Nasir
- Dr.. Afshan Bano
- Dr. Rana Nizam Jamili
- Dr. Qamar Murtaza
- Dr. Rakhsinda Jabeen
- Dr. Munazza A. Khalid
- Dr. Qurat-ul-Aman Siddiqui
- Dr. Mona Alvi
- Dr. Aisha Wali
- Dr. Musharaf Jahan
- Dr. Qaiser Jahan
- Dr. Rubina Hussain
- Dr. Asifa Ghazi
- Dr. Zeba Abbas
- Dr. Sadiqua N Jaffery
- Dr. Khursheed Baloch